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Wednesday, February 1, 2012


Back during NaNoWriMo, a lot of the members of the writing group bemoaned that it took place in November. Most of us had family visiting, dinners to cook, shopping to start, and houses to scrub down. The timing was just awful, and those of us who participated dropped out fairly quickly.

We bounced that around the writing group, and found that we all had the same thought: that it took place during the wrong month. Now, granted, if you wait to have time, you'll never write. But we are nothing if not a flexible and practical group.

The always-clever Catt suggested that we instead hold it in February. We poked at the idea, looking for weak points, and realized that a cold, dreary winter month in upstate NY had lots of room for staying under a blanket and tapping away at a computer keyboard. We're adapting it to our own uses, of course; my goal is simply to write for at least 15 minutes a day and during at least 2 hours of any write-in I attend. What I would really like to do is use this month to finish this draft of my novel.

SWANoWriMo, by the way, stands for SWAG Novel Writing Month. SWAG is the acronym for our writing group, the Social Writing Assistance Group.

The group has already made me pay into the not-writing jar for writing up a blog post instead of writing, so I'll sign off here. I'll tell you all about the purpose of the not-writing jar some other time.


  1. I think this is a good idea since November is such a busy month. Good luck!

  2. And we're off!! Feb1 baby...only 28 days to go.

    1. Woohoo! I do hope tonight's giggle-fest isn't setting a tone.

      Or maybe I hope it does . . .

  3. I like this idea, and I can't wait to hear about the jar.

    1. I will probably post about it tomorrow night, unless something better comes along.

  4. The jar made $16.08 last night. And by "jar" I mean "paper cup". I had forgotten to bring the jar last night.

    1. I dropped a little more in there this morning. I figured I owed a little; I charged myself $.25/tweet.


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